Being authentically yourself is the path to healing & flourishing

In a Psychological Astrology consultation, I will help you understand who you are, your life challenges, your life purpose and make decisions that align with your soul

About me

I am a banker turned astrologer.
I started off in finance in London but I have always been passionate about finding answers to life’s big questions. That took me on a journey of self-knowledge and healing through Ayurveda, Ayahuasca, Psychotherapy and Astrology. In 2012, I had my first Ayahuasca ceremony which together with psychotherapy changed my life and accelerated my personal transformation by helping clear childhood trauma. I realised that I didn’t want to be a banker and 4 years later I quit. In 2014, I started studying Astrology which gave me clarity about who I am, my strengths and practical tools to build a life aligned to my soul’s purpose. Since then I have been building my ideal, honest & authentic life. I can honestly say I have never been happier and more fulfilled in my life and Astrology has played a key role on this path.

I offer astrological consultations & coaching sessions aimed at helping you align with your soul’s calling, heal at a deep level and become the best version of yourself and thereby live a truly happy & fulfilling life.

  • Are you looking for your true and real purpose in this life?

  • Do you dream of a job that aligns with your values and passions but don’t know how to pursue it?

  • Do you feel lost in your current situation but you know there is a deeper meaning this life?

  • Do you wish to improve your self-awareness and understand your strengths and weaknesses better?

  • Do you feel emotionally drained and wish to rediscover your inner joy?

  • Are you ready to break free from self-doubt and embrace your full potential?

Through a personal consultation will learn how to truly express your deep inner self with concrete & practical advice helping you heal and grow.

  • Identify your true self and uncover your life's purpose

  • Discover your optimal career by leveraging your natural abilities and strengths

  • Clarify which relationships are healthy for you & supportive of your journey

  • Identify the psychological origins of an illness

  • Know your child at a deep level & gain concrete insights about his/her strengths and challenges

  • Identify your key life challenges & lessons

  • Obtain clarity during crises - separation, illness or career setbacks

  • Understand the root of behavioural patterns

Consultations are online and include an audio & video recording for your reference

  • Pam Stacey

    Noel makes you feel immediately at ease and having an astrology reading with him is an absolute joy! I found it incredibly useful to hear and have acknowledgement of my challenges, wishes and strengths. The reading has given me the courage to focus on my ideas and Noel also gave me several useful insights and tools to go about things that are challenging me. I found the whole thing really life affirming and I would completely recommend to anyone who wants to understand more of who they are. Just wonderful.

  • Debbie Parfitt

    Its been many years of wanting to find someone to do my Astrology chart and a friend recommended Noel, so I treated myself and booked my Astrology Chart reading.

    Noel was excellent he went through my chart planet by planet, house by house explaining everything. Wow I am amazed at all the information available about myself. I wanted a deeper understanding of me and that is exactly what I got. Noel hit the nail on the head every time its like this stranger knew exactly who I was, Totally Amazing experience.

    So if your thinking about booking your astrology reading & want to know more about yourself, what you waiting for?? Book with Noel, you wont be disappointed.

  • Fernando Gonzalez

    I had my Astrology Chart with Noel (Ayurvedic Practice) it was a life understanding experience, I was able to connect and give purpose to important events of my life. He has a mastery and beautiful expertise in supporting my process and guide me carefully through this “Soul Map” letting me navigate in the shadows and light of my conscious and unconscious mind.
    Thank you Noel!

  • Mrs. Lionheart

    I was totally blown away by the depth and accuracy of my astrological reading with Noël. If I had known that it could give me so much thought-provoking and insightful information about my personality and life lessons, I would have had one years ago. I loved the very detailed online session with Noel going through explaining my chart, and he was so easy to talk to and interact with - I felt like I'd known him for years. No planet or house was left unturned and all of my questions had been answered by the end of the session. I'll definitely be going back for another session when the time is right. It was not only fun and eye-opening, but also spookily accurate. If you love learning about yourself and your potential for growth, you will absolutely love this. I honestly think everyone should have an astrological reading at least once in their life... and preferably with Noël.

  • Ishtar Yousif

    Noel is truly exceptional in his ability to connect with people and speak to their soul-touching on points that ignite comfort and reassurance. Found his reading to be very comprehensive and thorough. Loved the experience and would definitely recommend this to anyone that needs reassurance on their life path or simply just to reflect and pay attention to why you are the way you are

  • Amir Jones

    Had both birth chart and relationship/synergy readings from Noel. Both were incredible experiences - so much that resonated with me and lots of food for thought. Noel obviously cares very deeply about his practice, explaining everything in a very clear way, helping you consider things through different view points. Thank you!